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La traduction des dénominations argotiques désignant l’argent à partir d’un corpus parallèle : l’exemple de la langue tchèque

MUDROCHOVÁ, R. . La traduction des dénominations argotiques désignant l?argent ? partir d?un corpus parall?le : l?exemple de la langue tch?que. Revue d?Études Françaises, 2020, roč. 1, č. 24, s. 109-120. ISSN: 1416-6399
Jazyk publikace: fre
Anglický název: The translation of the argot names indicating money from a parallel corpus: the example of the Czech language
Rok vydání: 2020
Autoři: Mgr. et Mgr. Radka Mudrochová Ph.D.
Abstrakt EN: The objective of this article is to analyze the translations of the slang terms indicating money. The corpus of these terms is drawn from general language dictionaries such as Petit Robert, Larousse or Trésor de la langue française, as well as from specialized dictionary of slang (online): Dictionnaire de la Zone. Once the corpus has been developed: (1) its different terms are classified according to the lexicographic marking of the language register (such as : argotique, populaire, familier, etc.) ; (2) the translation of the chosen words (via the parallel corpus InterCorp) is compared and commented.
Klíčová slova

